
11 Game Reviews

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Dynamic, fun game. One thing though: The triangles. When a yellow point spawns at a place where static arrows are spawned you basically lost the round even when you are good at evading everything.

The idea is just wonderful! Just when i thought ivé seen everything :-)

Game Dynamic: Fast paced, easy to control. Lot´s of boulders X-)
Art: Nice to look at. Monstergirls. You win :D

Would love when the conquered girls popup in the menu after finishing a game round or reaching a certain milestone? (for example mushroomgirl xy in menu after xy metres)

Overall a great game allready. Keep up the great work =)

As Random360 stated, when you stand in a corner you can fend them all off,true.
Slomo-Mechanic is good so far, i just think its way too irritating to have blinking angels still fading in and out in slomo,so you never know what hits you,you cant prepare yourself in any way. Maybe let them port to the left or the right,but dont let them completly dissappear.It gets shear luck then for the player in the middle :-)

More of that kind of game! Great work!

I love how simple everything is made,but yet you can make plenty of decisions!
Why need a game called witcher when you can have everything in a compact format in flash.
I wish you all the best for the future,and more upcoming "What if" games with more medals and variety!

A classic 2nd Person shooter inspired by Counterstrike i guess.
Good so far.
There are plenty of problems though, that would need to be sorted out to make the game challenging and not a luck-shooter.
1st: You respawn in enemys often, ending in spawnkills.The game doesnt notice when someone is standing there,choosing an empty spawnpoint instead.
2nd: While ladders are working okay, using one is a death sentence for the bots and for you. You are way too slow.Climbing it a little faster would prevent avoiding them because of the high risk.
3rd: Bots dont use the ladder often,making it easy for you to camp respawn-points and shoot from roofs.

Overall a game that has a lot of potential.
Keep up the great work.


Great Game.I wished there would be another cursor then the normal one,but great idea with the spirals and the huge different things in the game,so its not boring after some time.Overall,very good!

Great Game

What a great game.There are so many snake-games where you can just move to left,up,down,and right,and here you can move smoothly like a snake does.Great graphics,and nice idea with the eggs,that they do something to the snake,how about some more colored egggs in part 2? ;) Overall,good work!


Not bad at all i think.But how about more..u see the dress-ups from today are more creative,with more options,like more clothes,moving cloth-parts,Secrets,other backgrounds..like that.Its not an adult dress-up,so i didn´t say make her naked,just that you know that ;)

liezje responds:

Thank you for the tips, I will try to use this in my future games^^

Some good titan action

Great Game! Good Graphics,good handling..and difficult some time X-D The last enemy is very hard i think,you need to run like hell,and then the most time you got his big thrown rock in your back X)

Newgrounds rooooockz! =) By the way..Think Free..think peaceful...but have fun too!

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